

TWE-Commerce 是由一個開放原始碼社群(open source community),目前仍然還在持續不斷研發與成長的「開放原始碼(open source)電子商務解決方案」。 它擁有非常多功能,主要可以讓商店擁有人以用最少的人力及最低的成本來設立、營運以及維護您的線上商店。

TWE-Commerce 結合了開放原始碼解決方案(open source solutions),主要使用強大的 PHP 網頁描述語言(web scripting language)、穩定的 Apache 網頁主機(web server)以及快速的 MySQL 資料庫主機(database server)來提供一個免費和開放的開發平台。

TWE-Commerce 沒有太多限制或特別的需求,它只可以安裝 PHP4 的網頁主機上,或是任何支援 PHP 和 MySQL 的環境,包括 Linux、Solaris、BSD、Microsoft Windows 等環境。

Welcome to TWE-Commerce

TWE-Commerce is an open source e-commerce solution under on going development by the TWE-Commerce Team and its community.
Its feature packed out-of-the-box installation allows store owners to setup, run, and maintain their online stores with minimum effort and with no costs involved.
TWE-Commerce combines open source solutions to provide a free and open development platform, which includes the powerful PHP web scripting language, the stable Apache web server, and the fast MySQL database server.

With no restrictions or special requirements, TWE-Commerce can be installed on any PHP4 enabled web server, on any environment that PHP and MySQL supports, which includes Linux, Solaris, BSD, and Microsoft Windows environments.

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FILE Permissions .............................. ERROR

FOLDER Permissions .............................. ERROR

PHP VERSION .............................. OK

GDlib VERSION .............................. OK

GDlib GIF-Support .............................. OK



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